Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Call to Leadership - The Maryland Mathematics Summit

Tomorrow, September 22, 2011, the Maryland Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM) and Livescribe will host a Maryland State Summit to discuss how district leaders will collaborate to ensure that our state's transition to the Common Core is successful. Jon Wray and I have designed two full day that will challenge mathematics leaders (from 19 of the 24 MD school districts, curriculum leaders from the Maryland School for the Deaf and the Maryland School for the Blind, leaders representing the Maryland Council of Supervisors of Mathematics and the newly formed chapter of the Association of Maryland Mathematics Teacher Educators, and other guests) to embrace an innovation in curriculum design; The Common Core Learning Community's "Core Challenge."

I sit here on the eve of the event, awestruck by the opportunity that this event presents. In our nation's history, we have faced a number of crisis that have threatened the very core of our democracy. Our nation's inability to compete internationally in mathematics represents a crisis of sorts. It comes at a time when the world is increasingly flat. A time when most of the emerging job designed to help us navigate 21st century challenges require some expertise in STEM fields. A time when we are struggling to find steady footing in the global economy. Our inability to prepare high school graduates for enrollment in credit bearing mathematics courses coupled with gaps in achievement that cut across race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and student with special needs are indicators that are current design is failing our children.

When faced with national crisis, we have been fortunate that history has churned our leaders and innovators that have taken our nation from a position of vulnerability to a position of strength. Tomorrow, I wonder if history will favor the leaders of Maryland. Will we rise to the occasion and embrace an innovation that is grounded in the spirit of collaboration for the common good. I believe we will.

Stay tuned for updates regarding the State Summit. I will post information regarding the agenda, the realized outcomes, and share next steps for our state. Until then, stay safe and take care.

Bill Barnes
Follow me on Twitter @billjbarnes