Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The State of Mathematics (Twilight or Renaissance?)

My name is Bill Barnes and I am an active member of the mathematics education community.  In fact, to borrow a phrase from colleague Jon Wray, I probably suffer from overcommitment syndrome.  I decided to launch this blog as a means to share ideas for improving our current state of mathematics education...specifically by focusing through the lens of equity. 

Throughout my 16 years in public education, I have served as a teacher, team leader, dept. chair, district level resource teacher, board member for state organization (MCTM -, president of that organization, and I currently serve as a curriculum coordinator for a large school district in MD.  Each of these roles has shaped my perspective of the fact, it has left me frustrated and embarrassed at our nation's ability to provide an effective, and equitable, mathematics experience for all students.  In fact, we have consistently slipped down the world rankings (currently 25th of 24; PISA), our trajectory leading us to an inability to compete at a global level.  The emergence of the Common Core State Standards ( have provided our nation with an opportunity to emerge from the doldrums.

In the next several (hundreds maybe...we'll see how my endurance and focus holds up) blogs, I am going to outline a vision for a new era of mathematics development and support.  I am going to challenge the entire mathematics community to become involved in solving our national math problem.  It has become clear to me that we are at a crossroads.  Will we choose to repackage our current model...a choice to continue down the path of national decline; our twilight?  Or...will we choose the path that finally provides every teacher and student with the tools needed to help develop a nation of innovators, communicators, problem solvers, etc...the path toward renaissance?  Stay tuned...I invite your to join the movement. 

See you soon,
Bill ( , @billjbarnes)

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there Bill...@ least for a few more decades or so...if not a hundred years! Glad to see you're blogging. You have engaging ideas for reform and it will be a great opportunity to touch base here and find out what the mega-math mind is thinking about current trends and events. :) I appreciate your candid dialogue and look forward to more. Best regards!
